Svelte Floating Label - Flowbite

Use the floating label style for the input field elements to replicate the Material UI design system from Google and choose from multiple styles and sizes

The floating label style was first pioneered by Google in its infamous Material UI design system and it’s basically a label tag which floats just above the input field when it is being focused or already has content inside.

On this page you will find a three different input field styles including a standard, outlined, and filled style including validation styles and sizes coded with Tailwind CSS and supported for dark mode.

Setup #

  • Svelte
  import { FloatingLabelInput, Helper } from 'flowbite-svelte';

Floating label examples #

Get started with the following three styles for the floating label component and use the label tag as a visual placeholder using the peer-placeholder-shown and peer-focus utility classes from Tailwind CSS.

  • Svelte
<div id="exampleWrapper" class="grid gap-6 items-end w-full md:grid-cols-3">
  <FloatingLabelInput style="filled" id="floating_filled" name="floating_filled" type="text" label="Floating filled"/>
  <FloatingLabelInput style="outlined" id="floating_outlined" name="floating_outlined" type="text" label="Floating outlined" />
  <FloatingLabelInput id="floating_standard" name="floating_standard" type="text" label="Floating standard" />

Disabled state #

Apply the disabled attribute to the input fields to disallow the user from changing the content.

  • Svelte
<div id="exampleWrapper" class="grid gap-6 items-end w-full md:grid-cols-3">
  <FloatingLabelInput style="filled" id="disabled_filled" name="disabled_filled" type="text" label="Disabled filled" disabled/>
  <FloatingLabelInput style="outlined" id="disabled_outlined" name="disabled_outlined" type="text" label="Disabled outlined" disabled/>
  <FloatingLabelInput id="disabled_standard" name="disabled_standard" type="text" label="Disabled standard" disabled/>

Validation #

Use the following examples of input validation for the success and error messages by applying the validation text below the input field and using the green or red color classes from Tailwind CSS.

Well done! Some success message.

Well done! Some success message.

Well done! Some success message.

Oh, snapp! Some error message.

Oh, snapp! Some error message.

Oh, snapp! Some error message.

  • Svelte
  import { FloatingLabelInput, Helper } from 'flowbite-svelte'

<!-- Success messages -->
<div class="grid gap-6 items-end mb-6 md:grid-cols-3">
    <FloatingLabelInput color="green" style="filled" id="filled_success" aria-describedby="filled_success_help" name="filled_success" type="text" label="Filled success"/>
    <Helper color="green"><span class="font-medium">Well done!</span> Some success message.</Helper>
    <FloatingLabelInput color="green" style="outlined" id="outlined_success" aria-describedby="outlined_success_help" name="outlined_success" type="text" label="Outlined success"/>
    <Helper color="green"><span class="font-medium">Well done!</span> Some success message.</Helper>
    <FloatingLabelInput color="green" style="standard" id="standard_success" aria-describedby="standard_success_help" name="standard_success" type="text" label="Standard success"/>
    <Helper color="green"><span class="font-medium">Well done!</span> Some success message.</Helper>
<!-- Error messages -->
<div class="grid gap-6 items-end mb-6 md:grid-cols-3">
    <FloatingLabelInput color="red" style="filled" id="filled_error" aria-describedby="filled_error_help" name="filled_error" type="text" label="Filled error"/>
    <Helper color="red"><span class="font-medium">Oh, snapp!</span> Some error message.</Helper>
    <FloatingLabelInput color="red" style="outlined" id="outlined_error" aria-describedby="outlined_error_help" name="outlined_success" type="text" label="Outlined error"/>
    <Helper color="red"><span class="font-medium">Oh, snapp!</span> Some error message.</Helper>
    <FloatingLabelInput color="red" style="standard" id="standard_error" aria-describedby="standard_error_help" name="standard_success" type="text" label="Standard error"/>
    <Helper color="red"><span class="font-medium">Oh, snapp!</span> Some error message.</Helper>

Sizes #

Use the small and default sizes of the floating label input fields from the following example.

  • Svelte
<div class="grid gap-6 items-end mb-6 md:grid-cols-3">
  <FloatingLabelInput size="small" style="filled" id="small_filled" name="small_filled" type="text" label="Small filled"/>
  <FloatingLabelInput size="small" style="outlined" id="small_outlined" name="small_outlined" type="text" label="Small outlined" />
  <FloatingLabelInput size="small" id="small_standard" name="small_standard" type="text" label="Small standard" />
  <div class="grid gap-6 items-end md:grid-cols-3">
  <FloatingLabelInput style="filled" id="default_filled" name="default_filled" type="text" label="Default filled"/>
  <FloatingLabelInput style="outlined" id="default_outlined" name="default_outlined" type="text" label="Default outlined" />
  <FloatingLabelInput id="default_standard" name="default_standard" type="text" label="Default standard" />

Helper text #

Add a helper text in addition to the label if you want to show more information below the input field.

Remember, contributions to this topic should follow our Community Guidelines.

  • Svelte
  import { FloatingLabelInput, Helper } from 'flowbite-svelte'

<FloatingLabelInput style="filled" id="floating_helper" aria-describedby="floating_helper_text" name="floating_helper" type="text" label="Floating helper"/>
<Helper class="pt-2">Remember, contributions to this topic should follow our <a href="/" class="text-primary-600 dark:text-primary-500 hover:underline">Community Guidelines</a>.</Helper>

Props #

The component has the following props, type, and default values. See types page for type information.

FloatingLabelInput #

  • Use the classDiv prop to overwrite the div class.
  • Use the classInput prop to overwrite the input class.
  • Use the classLabel prop to overwrite the label class.
Name Type Default
id string generateId()
style 'filled' | 'outlined' | 'standard' 'standard'
type InputType 'text'
size 'small' | 'default' 'default'
color 'base' | 'green' | 'red' 'base'
value any undefined
label string ''

Helper #

  • Use the class prop to overwrite the p tag class.
Name Type Default
helperClass string 'text-xs font-normal text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-300'
color 'gray' | 'green' | 'red' | 'disabled' 'gray'

Forwarded Events #

on:blur on:change on:click on:focus on:keydown on:keypress on:keyup on:mouseenter on:mouseleave on:mouseover on:paste

References #